Ziptech Small-Mid Cap ESG ETF

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are a basket of securities that enable investors to purchase shares in a diversified portfolio of securities, including stocks and/or bonds. ETFs offer intra-day liquidity, are traditionally a lower-cost option, and may have no investment minimums. Ziptech’s ETF is managed by the same investment professionals who have a history of managing our Ziptech Mid Cap Stock Fund and Ziptech Small Cap Stock Fund.

Choose an account

Whether saving for college or retirement, you’ll want to choose an account type to support your goals.

Pick Ziptech’s ETF

When selecting Ziptech’s ETF, you’ll want to choose those that most closely match your risk tolerance and investing style.

Start investing

You can open an account today, and start with as little as $50 a month.* It takes just a few minutes of your time to complete an application

Maximize Inheritance Planning

Tax Planning

By integrating tax considerations into your overall financial plan, we aim to create a tax-efficient strategy that maximizes your after-tax income, preserves wealth, and aligns with your long-term financial objectives. Our goal is to help you make informed decisions that optimize your tax situation and support your financial well-being both now and in the future.

Estate Planning

Our aim is to empower you with a comprehensive understanding of your estate planning and support you in making informed decisions that align with your wishes and protect the interests of your beneficiaries. By collaborating with estate planning professionals, we ensure that all aspects of your estate plan are properly addressed and executed.

Wealth Preservation

Strategies to protect assets and wealth for future generations while minimizing tax implications. By seeking professional advice and engaging in meticulous planning, you can set in motion an enduring financial legacy that positively impacts future generations, providing them with the means to flourish and thrive.

Our process


Getting to Know You

Prior to formal engagement, we prioritize understanding your personal situation, financial goals, and key concerns that drive your search for financial advice. This forms the basis for a mutually agreed-upon scope of work. Please find below a comprehensive list of our capabilities.


Gaining Clarity on Your Finances

Our comprehensive planning engagements start by jointly assessing your balance sheet and cash flow. Access our secure client portal to upload documents or link your accounts electronically.


Building Your Financial Vision

We collaborate with you to prioritize your goals and assess the financial choices and risks involved in achieving them. Through close partnership, we establish a baseline projection of your future financial wealth, providing a roadmap for your success.


Analyzing Tradeoffs

We use our financial model to develop alternative scenarios, informing recommendations on taxes, insurance, and investments to align with your goals. Exploring scenarios to align recommendations.

We are here to address any questions you may have as you implement your plan. Additionally, for clients seeking an ongoing partnership, we provide comprehensive Financial Planning .